Emerging Companies Zoom: STAGE ONE Friday 19 June 2020 2pm – 3.30pm 1) INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT (PAINES PLOUGH and ENGLISH TOURING THEATRE) Charlotte Bennett and Katie Posner (PP) · Intent of these sessions: sharing and transparency · Based on conversations organisations have been having during cvd19 · Offering some insight into some of those conversations · Opening up a dialogue next week, passing on useful practice · Next Wednesday smaller break-out rooms · What we want to do is look into plugging everyone into PP’s Small Scale Touring Network. Ultimately we want to introduce you to them and for them to be introduced to your work. Richard Twyman (English Touring Theatre): · Really simply we have a group of speakers for you, all concentrating on a different area – CHINA PLATE, ETT, YELLOW EARTH, PENTABUS, FUEL. · We will send round a form after today that will help us plan next week properly and ask questions. We’re not just going to talk about covid. We want to talk about how we can emerge from this with a better sector. 2) VENUE TIMELINES (TALAWA) Michael Buffong (Talawa) · From a Talawa point of view – Talawa are a company within a space. Studio in building in Croydon. Currently meeting every two weeks. · Not imagining getting into that building before the end of the year. Question mark of the Christmas show. · 3 or 4 theatre companies within the building. We want to get artists back using that space. · PPE equipment. Walking around the building. Nervous about travelling in and what that means. Staff and artists. · Potential of using outdoor space. What the council will allow / other spaces within the borough. · Everything is moving so fast that it’s hard to make a plan. Hoping to be back in offices at least by September, opening space to artists in the autumn. · Will artists be able to make work safely in your space when they come back? · Artists entrance, determining which way people will walk around the building · As a company we have the responsibility for our artists, so we have to provide PPE. · Rehearsals. Any guidance on rehearsing? · PP: No physical work until next year. This means it’s less imminent to plan. 3) ADVOCACY UPDATES (FUEL) Kate McGrath (Fuel): (We’re really here to answer any questions that we know the answers to. We don’t have any particular info or routes to government that lead us to be properly informed for this.) · Lots of conversations happening right now about what government bail-out might be for the theatre sector. You’ll know there’s been a lot of press over the last couple of weeks in particular. · A lot of effort is going in (with moderate success) to co-ordinating different groups campaigning. · SOLT and UK Theatre. Trying to join up unions and theatres. · Freelance Task Force and other initiatives to make a clear case to the government. DCMS Enquiry: o Select committee enquiry. Final deadline is today, although they may extend it. o Here is link to SOLT / UK Theatre advocacy info: https://uktheatre.org/theatre-industry/advocacy-campaigns/dcms-entertainment-and-events-group/ o Here is the link to evidence which has been submitted (so far) to the DCMS Select Committee Inquiry into the impact of Covid-19 on DCMS sectorshttps://committees.parliament.uk/work/250/impact-of-covid19-on-dcms-sectors/publications/ o A lot of different parts of the theatre sector have been submitting evidence to this enquiry. Trying to decide what the right package might be for support. Lots of work going into making that as coherent as possible. o There should be news in the next 10 days on the amount of money that government will put towards the sector. What that is / how it will be distributed / what it will look like is not clear at all. o We have said that the sector needs to know what the deal is by end of July. Furloughing scheme / freelancers / employers. o Redundancy processes will need to happen in advance of tapering of furlough scheme. o We have been gathering a few organisations to talk about lobbying. Getting freelancers to represent themselves in these conversations. o Explaining what the situation for touring organisations might look like. o Encouraging theatre makers to understand the eco-system as best they can. o Considering differing time frames for venues, organisations and freelancers. Eg a lot of venues are on a financial cliff edge very imminently. o Questions arising are much more about what future looks like – next year and beyond. o There are things the sector needs to address more generally. It’s great to talk to other touring companies, where there is space for us to share knowledge and ideas, advocate and lobby in different ways. The Freelance Task Force Anthony Gray (Fuel): · How the Freelance Task Force came about: o There were a lot of similar questions and needs from lots of freelancers that fed into what the #FreeLanceTaskForce has now become. Freelancers could not understand what was happening. Not able to have those conversations with bigger organisations. o Lack of a voice in all of the meetings. The sector is made up of 70% freelancers, so their voice is absolutely essential. 140 organisations are now supporting a freelancer to answer various questions. o A lot of change needs to happen in this sector. How do we re-set and work better after this? A line of tension between the opportunity of pausing and being able to rethink models / structures / inclusion / access and knowing that the current political and economic situation doesn’t provide for that. It’s difficult for us to survive never mind make the change that we want to see in the world. That’s what we’re trying to wrestle with. 3 levels of process: 1) What are the government saying about what is allowed (legally) – not clear, shifting all the time. Taskforces within DCMS – SOLT Task force and Freelance Task force. Will join up and issue guidelines in not too distant future. 2) What our own policy as an organisation needs to be – what our insurance companies are happy with, but also what our values are. Create our own policy for what we feel is ok. 3) Consider Individual projects and individuals involved in that project. Whether it’s viable based on enhanced risk assessments. · Advice in writing up your own process - first and foremost get a technical production person to look over the process document. They will know the most about being on tour etc. Doing this has allowed us to approach different production ideas. · Fuel are happy to share this process document – but don’t imagine that what works for us will work for you – needs to be your own values. Don’t cut and paste! 4) LOCAL CONVERSATIONS (CHINA PLATE) Ed Collier (China Plate): · China Plate have postponed all of their live theatre productions until March next year. Fingers crossed it will be possible at that time. · They are working with a reduced staff team, and are looking at re-working existing work in new online ways. They are looking into hosting training events, mini festivals, and have paired up with Coventry Uni to support NHS workers. · Existing in a really unstable, unclear position, we don’t know how long we’re going to be in this situation for. China Plate are planning a parallel programme for next year of big events that don’t need to take place in theatre. · For those based in the midlands, you’re probably already familiar with two significant midlands initiatives that are particularly helpful to be involved in. Both are totally open / non-exclusive: · Cultural Central’s Cultural Response Unit. - Set up extremely quickly. Host a series of different meetings with different focuses. One is 8.30am Tuesdays and one is Friday morning every other week. - Lobbying / manging current situation, preparing for when we might reopen in future/ has embraced impact of BLM. Is building a structure for that over July. Will help institutionalise change. - Website - Make it west midlands – hosting a cross-art form listings site. Any events happening across the region that have a digital profile or are audience-facing can promote themselves through that. Newsletter. Training support and development opportunities that they list every week. · In Good Company - artist-led development organisation. Partnership with 10 venues across the midlands. Hosting a series of fantastically helpful mega-zooms. Very well-attended by venues and programmers. Last week Jude Kelly was guest speaker. · Networking in some ways is easier than ever, provided you can find the right access points. In the midlands these are two good places to start. Q: What support are organisations doing to help support newer organisations and companies? A: Go through bigger organisations – eg in Good Company. There’s also the offer of digital webinars. China Plate are trying to skill people up in digital skills. Working with The Space to re-release them in the next few weeks: https://www.whatnextculture.co.uk · One tiny bit of China Plate plugging – Young Producers Reclaimed Fest has been completely moved online –next week, digital festival. Young people from across the country putting on work that was in some way interrupted by Covid19. · https://chinaplatetheatre.com/young-producers-reclaimed-fest · eastmeetswest.org.uk · https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/wmcru/ · https://www.makeitwm.com/at-home-in-the-west-midlands/midsummer-festival 5) SMALL-SCALE TOURING (PAINES PLOUGH) and MID-SCALE TOURING (ENGLISH TOURING THEATRE) Charlotte (Paines Plough): · PP’s Small Scale Tour – now happening in the spring. · A couple of venues in that network have gone into administration. Maintaining that dialogue is quite tricky at the moment. · Most venues looking to reschedule into the spring. Broadly speaking, a lot of venues are very busy in the spring. Now quite limited space for programming. · It really varies in terms of their financial resource and where they’re at. We’re really fortunate in that we have good contacts in all of those places. Just having a conversation on the phone. · What they think their audiences might want coming out the other side of this. Worth recognising that they’re all in the middle of this at the moment as well. Amber Knipe (Pentabus): · Pentabus make work with village halls primarily. Village halls reopening much sooner. · Run by volunteers – usually elderly. Nervousness about when they might reopen. Level of trust considering vulnerability. Taking delicate steps. · Ed was mentioning enhanced risk assessments and putting those in place – pentabus will be working with those venues quite a bit. · https://acre.org.uk/news/2020-06-17-practical-guidance-to-help-village-halls-reopen-published-by-leading-rural-charity · https://twitter.com/Ruraltouring/status/1273981053523329024?s=20 · https://www.ruraltouring.org/resource/national-rural-touring-promoter-meetings/ · https://www.ruraltouring.org/ https://acre.org.uk/ Richard Twyman (ETT): · Conversations with venues have really tailed off. We’ve noticed a big drop-off in terms of that. · Question of how much will venues be looking to programme new stuff. Nothing is set in stone. Whether artists are available to make this work. · What work we need to to do internally. Representation, freelancers, companies – how we can re-divert investment into them rather than the planned co-production. · Have heard separate things about touring companies – that they might be last to get back to making work, but also that they might be a big part of the solution of getting work back into spaces. Venues will have much less resources if at all to put on their own work. Day by day this changes. · A lot of the risk is on touring companies’ shoulders. Being put in situations where we’re asked to take on even more risk. It was already very challenging. Does open an opportunity for us to look at those deals. Plans for sharing running costs. · ETT was previously working at mid-scale. Enormous shift coming out of this. Looking quite seriously at the model of mid-scale and how we make work in the future. · There’s a real concern that programming might become more conservative. Venues that are inherently conservative might well reach further into that world to get themselves back up and running. However, venues may also be re-assessing how they make work, how they engage touring companies and how they put work into their programme. Might be more open to programing work that they haven’t programmed before, opening up. · Venues will probably be as desperate to get as much value out of the resources as they can - workshops, opportunities, employment. · Any NPO funded venues will be extremely interested and open. One conversation that we’ve been having a bit with a venue is that going forward they might imagine ETT for bigger spaces. · Companies traditionally making work for small scale might now make work for mid-scale. What was previously perceived as risk might now be received as sensible investment. Argument for how we can help venues attract new audiences and attract new people into their space. · Expect that significant guarantees will be pretty few and far between. · We can’t take these forward into the new world. We can’t have all of the risk sitting on the touring company. Doesn’t lead to shared audience development work shared between venues and touring companies. 6) NON CVD19 UPDATES AND PROVOCATIONS (YELLOW EARTH) Lian Wilkinson (Yellow Earth): · Touring companies connecting with people in a way that we haven’t before. Communication and talking together. It’s a productive environment for companies. How can we do more of this? · Touring companies and venues. What can we do as touring companies to share networks and resources? · We’re in an existential crisis – everyone is trying to keep in their own bubble. Keep in spaces that are local. Where does touring theatre sit in that? · What does touring theatre look like if we’re re-set planning? Changing for the better. · Being more environmentally friendly. Theatre itself quite wasteful. · Now is the time to pause. What are we doing just because it’s the norm and what could we be changing? · What actually is theatre? What are the benefits of theatre? Not just entertainment. Community and audience development. No in-person contact. · How do we improve to offer a source of creativity and a source of solace? · Keeping that conversation around theatre alive. We feel like we’re one section removed from audiences. Companies only visitors for that one week on tour. We visit, say hello and leave again. · This has been a struggle for a long time, particularly when it came to GDPR – finding contact details of our own audiences. How do we make that communication better? More of a cohesive approach. · We plan our budgets using past examples. This is how much we spend on audience development. Does that need to be increased? Regaining audience trust. Being in contact. Much less money going around. · Restructure where we’re investing our resources now. More budget could be going towards collaboration. Digital work at Yellow Earth: · Moved all Yellow Earth academy work online. · One week or two weeks of a taste of drama school / writing course for writers · People meeting together, finding time to read a play together and discuss. · Cheaper because we’re not having to pay for people’s travel. · Anyone can join in. using this time to experiment. · We’re not doing the big productions. We are seen as more grassroots, more homegrown. Time now to really find that innovation. Getting in Disabled artists and Audiences. Accessibility is still something that needs to be a high priority. · We need to be developing digital work still out there. We need to think about access. We need to be thinking about audience development. We need to be doing as much audience development as we would for any other production. · https://www.indigo-ltd.com/covid-19-after-the-interval-national-audience-survey 7) QUESTIONS & NEXT STEPS - Next session: STAGE TWO: Wednesday 24 June 15:00-16:30 Additional links shared in the chat function: https://theatremeansbusiness.info/ https://www.pec.ac.uk/policy-briefings/digital-culture-consumer-panel https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/letscreate https://fueltheatre.com/an-open-letter-to-theatre-and-performance-makers/ https://www.whatnextculture.co.uk Chat function: 14:18:43 From Charlotte Lund : Has anyone spoken with venues about virtual touring and the viability / logistics of this? 14:18:48 From Simon MacDonald : I guess there’s a real problem when you see football back and artists not allowed to meet and rehearse 14:18:48 From Chris Neels - Fledgling Theatre : Has there been any official guidance on audience distancing? 14:19:02 From Rachel - BLINK Dance Theatre : Will venues be prioritising commercial work over small scale/fringe work? 14:19:04 From Ryan Mellish - Critical Moment : Even with venues opening Xmas time ish, are there talks about how to assuage audience fears of safety 14:19:19 From Naomi Denny (She/Her) - Ambriel Productions : has there been any word from the govt regarding a potential bailout for theatres? 14:19:33 From zoe mills : I think everyone is wondering the same things... when? how?... Thankyou though. In terms of outdoorspace… do council seem forthcoming in helping facilitate that? 14:19:40 From George R-S Both Barrels : Have you got a plan for how artists will be able to work in your studio safely when they can come back? 14:19:44 From Kate McGrath : Depends what you mean by ‘virtual touring’? Fuel is doing a ‘digital tour’ at the moment - happy to talk about that. 14:19:58 From Tyrrell Jones (Knaive Theatre) : Would love to hear about digital touring. 14:20:03 From jeremy : What percentage of venues would you say face a real threat of closure in the next year? 14:20:07 From Katie Posner : Paines Plough are also planning a digital tour so happy to chat too 14:20:12 From jonah york : with regards to outside venues how ready are buildings/production houses in their use/knowledge of these? 14:20:16 From Isaac Whittaker-Dakin: Galaxy Theatre : The Culture Secretary says he's putting together a plan to bail out theatres 14:20:16 From StoneCrabs Theatre | Franko Figueiredo : There is a lot of focus on the audience naturally, however what about the artists/actors interacting with one another in rehearsals/workshops/shows is there any guidelines out there about that? 14:20:23 From Charlotte Lund : Yes - would be interested to hear @katemcgrath. Thank you 14:20:26 From Rachel Baynton (The Lincoln Company) : Venue near me did an audience survey - overwhelming response was that audiences weren't confident to return til social distancing had lessened 14:20:44 From Dylan - Kill The Cat Theatre : Would also like to hear about your experience of digital touring Kate- we did a digital preview tour back in May and are looking to do a larger scale digital tour in Autumn. 14:21:03 From Kate McGrath : Protocols/guidelines are likely to be made by the government task force pretty soon I think - they are working on this now. Fuel is working on guidelines around safe practice for rehearsals etc. One Dance UK are working on some for the dance sector which will be useful and come out soon I think. 14:21:35 From Cara Baldwin : Is it possible to move forward contracting freelancers in a fair way when everything is so uncertain? (Plans for R&D in Oct) Thank you 14:22:29 From Natalie : Second that question about contracting freelancers 14:22:40 From Gabby Vautier : Im concerned that venues are going to be fearful in future programming anything which is deemed to be a risk - and I have real concerns about the companies and artists who will fall through the cracks because of this. Survival of the richest?? What are your thoughts around this 14:22:40 From hayleynolan : Even though theatres won’t be opening likely till next April/ May (guessing) will theatre companies continue developing work in this time? 14:22:41 From Dylan - Kill The Cat Theatre : Do we know if smaller fringe venues are planning on opening ahead of larger venues? 14:22:42 From Jeni Draper : Most of us I assume apply to PG from ACE, given that funding stream has stopped would be good to talk about funding in general and as Micheal has just mentioned, co-pros in the future 14:22:59 From Zannie / Norwich Puppet Theatre : Norwich Puppet Theatre have a [small] company rehearsing at the moment as they are happy to do so. Also we haven’t yet cancelled our xmas programme though this may happen and we are reaching out to schools to see if we can take our productions to schools or village halls 14:23:02 From Charlotte Lund : Seconded Jeni 14:23:03 From Katie Posner- Paines Plough : Just to say we will be saving all the questions on this chat bar - in case anything does not get covered 14:23:09 From Concrete Youth : We’re currently programming for a tour next Spring. We’ve had interest from theatres and arts centres who are still considering work for this time. However, most theatres aren’t considering work (normally due to furloughing). Is there a resource available or does anybody know of any theatres that are currently programming? 14:23:25 From Niki : Is it too premature to be talking to venues now about touring if no physical touring will be happening until next year? Will venues be prioritising shows that have been cancelled before new propositions? 14:24:51 From Gabby Vautier : Who is part of those conversations kate? 14:25:06 From Jessie Anand : Concrete Youth - I think Spun Glass was putting together a resource to help get producers back in touch with venues… 14:25:34 From Tice : I have a few one and two performer shows which I'd like to tour next year if possible. But it seems nothing is happening. Any suggestions on how to approach venues at the moment? I've been working with The Space Theatre. Everything is online now; e.g. readings via zoom. 14:25:35 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : Have companies started to come up with a strategies and contingency plans for keeping the team safe on tours? Does anyone have ideas about how that might impact budgets? How much can venues help small companies bridge these costs? 14:25:39 From Ella Langley : Thank you Charlotte! 14:26:04 From Concrete Youth : @Jessie Anand - Yes, I’ve spoken to them, they don’t expect to be able to release anything until much later in the year! Thanks anyway! 14:33:27 From Gabby Vautier : There is an opportunity for the industry to be more transparent right now, with things like this - which is great and also not location limited 14:34:31 From Kate McGrath : Here is the link to evidence which has been submitted (so far) to the DCMS Select Committee Inquiry into the impact of Covid-19 on DCMS sectors https://committees.parliament.uk/work/250/impact-of-covid19-on-dcms-sectors/publications/ 14:38:08 From Jesse Dupre : Thanks that was really interesting! 14:38:08 From Simon MacDonald : Thank you 14:38:43 From Blas Barragan : It would be very helpful to hear about some of the strategies and contingencies that theatres and producers are considering for productions in the next year or so - especially in terms of the effect it might have on small and medium productions. 14:42:31 From Peter Stone - Just Some Theatre : Would that be a resource that would possibly be able to be shared? 14:42:36 From LYNNEBEC - Cat Butler (she/her) : I know the conversations may already so far down the line, is there a way as a freelancer to continue to contribute/be involved in these conversations around change in the industry? 14:42:45 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : is there a way of there being some resources made available to smaller companies to help protect a/ their teams and b/ help lay out the boundaries for responsibilities between visiting companies and venues? Small companies have such limited resources and guidance from npos and/ or relevant funded orgs would be really helpful 14:42:50 From Katie Posner- Paines Plough : Thanks Michael x 14:42:54 From Degenerate Fox : Bye Michael, thanks again! 14:43:23 From Peter Stone - Just Some Theatre : That’s great - purely as a starting point - cheers 14:43:45 From Simon MacDonald : Great info - thanks. 14:43:59 From Gabby Vautier : Super helpful thanks Kate and Ant xx 14:44:05 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : Could we find a way for someone/ a group in the industry leading on this to help companies get back out there? ITC in partnership with some cos? 14:44:06 From Beccy D'Souza : Responding to Cat Butler - I’m a freelance task force member beccydsouza.producer@gmail.com - happy for you to contact me to feed into conversations but also freelancersmaketheatrework.com is useful for same. 14:44:12 From Suzy : Also would love any insight into how production companies/theatres are thinking of supporting young/newer companies to develop their work in creative ways during this time. 14:44:19 From Jac Moore : Do you know if the ‘bail out’ conversations have been talking a devolved or UK wide approach? The DCMS & SOLT task forces are very Anglo-centric & culture is devolved. 14:46:26 From Kate McGrath : Here is link to SOLT / UK Theatre advocacy info: https://uktheatre.org/theatre-industry/advocacy-campaigns/dcms-entertainment-and-events-group/ 14:46:40 From Joe & Anna COSMIC COLLECTIVE : How do early stage companies fare when faced with financial hurdles? We don’t yet have a war chest of money to call upon and have previously relied on the generosity of venues/organisations to give us a deal on a Space to use (both rehearsal and performance space). If Venues/Organizations are themselves struggling financially to stay afloat, are doors shut to young companies that need support over companies that are financially better off? 14:47:16 From Suzy : Joe & Anna - second that questions! 14:47:19 From LYNNEBEC - Cat Butler (she/her) : Thanks Beccy! 14:47:30 From Kate McGrath : Yes - culture is devolved so I think the conversations are happening with a devolved approach but not 100% sure on that... 14:47:48 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : Joe & Anna - noted, will raise 14:48:01 From Joe & Anna COSMIC COLLECTIVE : thank you! 14:48:08 From Beccy D'Souza : I got booted out and bounced back in just now. Could these points be summarised in chat? Also lost all previous chat points :( 14:50:10 From Alexander - Split Infinitive : Is there any support or organisations that are specifically East Midlands based? There seem to be a lot in the West but few in the East? 14:50:16 From Elly Bb : what is the address of the cross listings site? 14:50:23 From Kate McGrath : On question about access to spaces - venues have been making a strong case (and winning I think) against the idea of ‘mothballing’ or ‘hibernation’ for exactly this reason - so that they have enough resource (even if losing out on box office) to open the doors to artists and companies, and to communities and young people. I think the DCMS seems to be understanding the value of this… However with huge losses in income, I agree there is a risk that venues will either not be able to afford to open their doors (safely) or will be seeking to generate income where they can from doing that. That said, lots seem to be thinking about how they can open up to artists, communities and this autumn in particular to schools who have shortages of space for teaching in ‘bubbles’... 14:50:23 From Amber | Pentabus : https://www.culturecentral.co.uk/wmcru/ https://www.makeitwm.com/at-home-in-the-west-midlands/midsummer-festival 14:50:30 From Lisa McKinley : In Good Company are East Mids 14:50:44 From LYNNEBEC - Cat Butler (she/her) : East meets West Facebook page is great @Alexander 14:50:48 From Beccy D'Souza : Also EastMeetsWest 14:51:02 From Alexander - Split Infinitive : Thank you :) 14:51:03 From Duncan Riches : All the resources listed, would it be possible to get a list after this meeting? Apologies if this was already covered! 14:51:15 From Beccy D'Souza : ha. Yes. East meets west also have a forum which is great. 14:51:29 From Simon MacDonald : Thanks for the links being posted - much appreciated… 14:51:30 From Charlotte Bennett : Duncan - yes we will share mins after this meet 14:51:49 From Guleraana (she/her) : Is there a London equivalent to the IGC megazooms? 14:52:08 From James Ashfield : Just want to say that In Good Company are based in the East Mids but anyone can access their resources and reach out to them. 14:52:11 From Beccy D'Souza : eastmeetswest.org.uk 14:52:14 From Gabby Vautier : Brilliant thanks Ed 14:52:19 From Degenerate Fox : Thank you Ed! 14:52:52 From Tom (Long Distance Theatre) : What Next have chapters across UK, so could be worth checking if there is one in your area :) The Welsh one is banging 14:53:24 From Kate McGrath : Agreed - was just about to say! Here’s link: https://www.whatnextculture.co.uk 14:53:53 From Simon MacDonald : Thanks, Ed 14:54:05 From Kate McGrath : Here is info on Freelance Task Force in case anyone hasn’t heard about it: https://fueltheatre.com/an-open-letter-to-theatre-and-performance-makers/ 14:54:06 From Guleraana (she/her) : What Next isn’t joined up though. I’m part of the East London WN 14:54:12 From Guleraana (she/her) : and it isn’t theatre focused at all 14:54:33 From Charlotte Lund : Arts Admin also have some great resources and are hosting networking opportunities and advice sessions 14:55:29 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : https://chinaplatetheatre.com/young-producers-reclaimed-fest 14:56:06 From José Pedro Fortuna : Reading Fringe Festival is running their own Digital Fringe Festival from July 17th. Anyone knows any other digital festivals running in the UK in next upcoming months ? 14:56:38 From Tell Tale Present : think Buxton fringe have moved to digital 14:57:05 From Kate McGrath : Greenwich & Docklands Festival is going ahead with social distancing in August - will be useful to find out more about how that works: https://festival.org/new-dates-announced/ 14:57:16 From Deborah Pakkar-Hull : Bradford Fringe Festival 14:57:28 From Sarah Wright : Curious School of Puppetry have been funded (including by ACE) to support emerging artists/companies through alumni group Still Curious. 14:57:45 From Dylan - Kill The Cat Theatre : Plymouth Fringe have moved digital (but only for companies with a South West connection) - they have a small bit of money to give as a guarantee as well- deadline to apply is 21st June 14:58:45 From Andy : Brighton Fringe is meant to be going ahead in October (rescheduled from May) - nothing so far on what social distancing will be in place and what effect it might have on shows and venues 15:01:21 From Jac Moore : https://acre.org.uk/news/2020-06-17-practical-guidance-to-help-village-halls-reopen-published-by-leading-rural-charity 15:01:36 From Simon MacDonald : Thanks, Amber 15:02:07 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : It would be great to do a much bigger session on rural touring to be honest - any chance of setting something up please? 15:02:29 From Stefan Escreet : Thanks Amber. ‘ACRE’? What is that please? 15:02:39 From Gabby Vautier : Rural touring and outdoor work would be helpful 15:02:42 From Isaac Whittaker-Dakin: Galaxy Theatre : Rural Touring is something I'm massively interested in 15:03:04 From Lucy Bird : Has there being any advice/guidance on outdoor performances? 15:03:22 From Duncan Riches : Great shout Maddy - definitely an area interested in finding more out 15:03:29 From Adam Quayle : National Rural Touring Forum are hosting regular Zooms for artists. Worth checking out if you're interested in the future of rural touring. 15:03:31 From Amber | Pentabus : Action with Communities in Rural England https://acre.org.uk/ 15:03:39 From Alexandra Whitworth : A rural and outdoor session would be great! 15:03:44 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : Thanks Adam… will have a look out 15:03:45 From Kate McGrath : In case it’s useful context, building on what Ed shared about China Plate: Fuel has lost roughly 74% of our income this year. NPO grant is usually (in the last two years) roughly 8% of our annual income. We were ineligible for ACE NPO emergency funds (as we won’t be insolvent by the end of September because of furloughing and reserves). Roughly 1/3 of our staff are on furlough. We are not planning any venue-based tours until 2021 - everything has been cancelled/postponed. We have been producing and developing work digitally and starting to look to what we can do in real space with social distancing. None of it really stacks up financially though, so we are having to look creatively at financial models… no silver bullets identified yet! 15:03:56 From Abey Bradbury : Yes would love to find out more about rural touring 15:04:01 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : https://www.ruraltouring.org/ 15:05:36 From Hambledon Productions : Re. Financial balance/risk. Very good point Richard 15:05:44 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : yes, this is also my concern, which is why I am keen to find support with ways of protecting ourselves as small independents. 15:06:04 From Rachael : Are there currently any risk assessments that people have done for touring shows to studios next year for reference? 15:06:07 From Jeni Draper - fingersmiths : Really interested in this Richard and looking at new models for co-working with companies and venues 15:06:17 From Dylan - Kill The Cat Theatre : Without Arts Council Funding given that they’ve used their budget for next year do we know if venues will be looking to provide guarantees more? 15:08:42 From Alex Lui : Is there any guidance as to when companies can go into theatres to rehearse/ record shows (without audiences) in studios or on stages? 15:08:52 From Gabby Vautier : It would be a shame to lose these opportunities to talk together. I hope they can continue post this. Its key to trying to tackle the barriers which have always existed 15:09:14 From Kate McGrath : https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/letscreate 15:09:37 From Nikhil Vyas : for companies making/R+Ding new work with venues around the country, rather than touring existing work- do you expect the timelines and development phases for those projects to be pushed later? as in later than even next year? 15:10:46 From Amber | Pentabus : NRTF have been putting together a Joint Risk Assessment – online for all NRTF members, and everyone involved in the sector (artists promoters and schemes) to add their thoughts to. This is a live document which you can add your own thoughts into, and you can also download a version to keep for yourself https://www.ruraltouring.org/resource/national-rural-touring-promoter-meetings/ 15:11:02 From Tyrrell Jones (Knaive Theatre) : Most hopeful thing I have heard about the industry in a while. Thanks Richard! 15:11:02 From Beccy D'Souza : Are people thinking about offering live / recorded digital offerings recordings alongside live touring work to allow those that aren’t able to enter spaces for vulnerability / accessibility reasons? 15:11:12 From Russell Bender : Very interesting thoughts from everyone. I need to go but thanks and looking forward to future sessoins 15:11:14 From Guleraana (she/her) : Thank you Richard, that’s very uplifting to hear about new audiences 15:11:18 From Simon MacDonald : Thank you, Richard 15:11:29 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : Thanks Richard! 15:11:30 From Sarah Wright : New audiences - so important! 15:11:46 From Charlotte Bennett : @nikhil - it is varying depending on the project and what it needs - some of our work with venues has continued to be developed online and others has postponed as required physical working together in the same space 15:11:48 From Charlotte Lund : Thanks Richard - very interesting and lots to think about re. audience engagement 15:12:34 From Alex Mitchell- Silent Uproar : For the mid-scale what is considered a "significant guarantee"? 15:13:22 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : https://www.ruraltouring.org/resource/national-rural-touring-promoter-meetings/ 15:13:40 From Maddy Moore (She/Her) : Great, thanks Amber! And Christabel for the link 15:13:45 From hayleynolan : Good question Becky - are theatre companies thinking of potentially recording new small scale productions for digital audiences? 15:15:08 From Keir : We (Live Witness Theatre) certainly are! Maybe this could be a brake out group next session? 15:15:23 From Charlotte Bennett : @keir noted! 15:15:26 From Gabby Vautier : I think it should be standard practice for shows to be streamed as well as live 15:16:02 From Keir : @Charlotte Cheers! 15:16:14 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : lots of interest and conversation happening at the moment about digital work, definitely something we can explore in more detail in next week's session 15:17:02 From StoneCrabs Theatre | Franko Figueiredo : one of the struggles we are facing at the moment is that many of our participants have no or little access to digital technology and audiences who are resistant to engaging digitally. 15:17:51 From Kate McGrath : Fun Palaces are talking lots about this - we need to remember not everyone has access to digital content, for a real variety of reasons. 15:17:57 From Stefan Escreet : Getting some alarming responses from insurers about digital work. Would be interested in any advice on this (we’re a tiny company) 15:18:04 From Charlotte Bennett : @stonecrabs we have set up a phone call service of plays performed live over the phone to those with no digital access as one way to still reach these audiences - it is a bit wild but fun. But agree, more to do to think about those that don’t have access rather than assume all do. 15:18:14 From Adam Quayle : https://twitter.com/Ruraltouring/status/1273981053523329024?s=20 15:18:30 From Beccy D'Souza : Yes absolutely. Interesting that digital has opened up accessibility for some and closed for others - can future theatre work for both audiences. 15:18:49 From Katie Posner- Paines Plough : We can definitely respond to the digital conversations in digital focussed chats next week 15:19:03 From StoneCrabs Theatre | Franko Figueiredo : @CharlotteBennett thanks will add that to our list of potential solutions 15:19:30 From Charlotte Bennett : @stonecrabs happy to share how it has worked or invite you in to listen to a call if you wanted to see it live! 15:19:39 From Suzy : @CharlotteBennett that’s brilliant, would love to learn more about that process/experience 15:20:15 From StoneCrabs Theatre | Franko Figueiredo : @CharlotteBennett yes, please - would love that 15:20:20 From Charlotte Bennett : @suzy yes we can perhaps include a session on still reaching audiences at this time next week 15:20:21 From Keir : @Charlotte What a fab idea, would also love to be involved 15:20:26 From Stefan Escreet : Very kind Charlotte 15:21:19 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : Having trouble sharing the link but more information about the caller service we're running alongside our COME TO WHERE I AM project on the Paines Plough website 15:23:23 From Ceriann Williams : Probs for next week - but are any orgs doing detailed work around audience stats for digital theatre, including drop out rates, demographics of those watching etc. I think we all need a much better sense of who the audiences are for digital theatre and how to properly examine that data 15:24:00 From Ella Langley : Has been a few mentions of adjusting budgets and changing funding models - obviously these are case by case but would be great to know more about specific examples of these changes, where people are cutting/investing and why 15:24:39 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : yes great question @Ceriann and something we're thinking about at the moment too - how we can measure the 'success' of digital work and offerings and ensure legacy of engagement with audiences. 15:24:48 From Jac Moore : Agree @Ceriann - we need to know if this is something worth investing in as creators, rather than a reaction by companies 15:25:14 From Dylan - Kill The Cat Theatre : We have audience data from our digital tour that we did that we would be happy to share if anyone is looking to compile different examples to give a broader understanding across the sector 15:25:15 From glorialowe : Ceriann - the only one I was able to find was here: https://www.pec.ac.uk/policy-briefings/digital-culture-consumer-panel - theatre is listed towards the end - with tv, music etc. at the start of the research 15:25:48 From Ceriann Williams : Thanks all, really interested in talks around this 15:25:50 From glorialowe : Also- outdated now - but nevertheless interesting to see there are new audiences 15:26:27 From Guleraana (she/her) : yes, thank you for bringing this up. 15:26:30 From Kate McGrath : I would be up for sharing data on digital performances so we can learn about what’s working etc together as quickly as possible. 15:26:44 From Kate - Graeae : We're doing lots of thinking at Graeae around access and digital work that we're going to collate in the next couple of weeks. 15:26:49 From Jeni Draper - fingersmiths : Absolutely Lian, if anyone is putting work out online and have it captioned please do not rely on automatic captions as they are not reliable at all. 15:27:01 From Lizzie - Folio Theatre : Thanks so much all, got to dash but looking forward to next week! 15:27:03 From zoe mills : Probably for next week.. but as has anyone had any joy with regional touring venues considering engaging more with non theatre spaces in their area - So touring something outdoor/ site specific to allow for adapted distancing etc, but linked to their venue/ tickets through them? 15:27:08 From Degenerate Fox : Thank you Lian! 15:27:09 From Ryan Mellish - Critical Moment : We launched a digital audio tour a couple of weeks ago and would be happy to share data too! 15:27:10 From Elly Bb : thank you 15:27:10 From Claire,BEZNA(she/her) : Agree re: accessibility - there are some great training sessions on https://theatremeansbusiness.info/ Thanks Lian! 15:27:14 From Kate McGrath : I really recommend looking at the Indigo After The Interval survey (which we participated in) for some data around audience attitudes to coming back to theatre etc. Here’s the link: https://www.indigo-ltd.com/covid-19-after-the-interval-national-audience-survey 15:27:22 From Simon MacDonald : Amazing info - thanks to all. really helpful. 15:27:31 From LYNNEBEC - Cat Butler (she/her) : Thanks Claire! ^^ 15:27:33 From Alex Moran : Thanks so much all. Really lovely to hear so much great advice :) 15:27:44 From LYNNEBEC - Cat Butler (she/her) : thanks lian! x 15:28:08 From Christabel Holmes - Paines Plough : will be sending round a form to you all - please to feed in any further thoughts or questions you have into those, as will feed into next week's session
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Thanks for this, did anyone attend? Be interested to hear if it was useful :)