Hi Everyone,
I done my first online workshop today with Matt Woodhead and Helen Monks from LUNG theatre about Verbatim Theatre, after Rebecca shared a link to workshops taking place all this week as part of the National Student Drama Festival.
I found it really useful and kind of got my head back in the game of thinking about theatre making and possible projects that could get started.
I was wondering, if anyone else had done any similar workshops, maybe in different disciplines even; how beneficial they've been during this time and where we think their place may be after social distancing measures are lifted?
It's really interesting, isn't it, people are now giving their practice much freer online. I wonder if that's due to funding requirements, or having the time to do it? Or they are genuinely being generous?! I agree with Alex, many of these things normally cost so it would be interesting to see how long and or if this continues post Covid-19